November 16th, 2008, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Beardface for the tehskeen coding comp
Portii - Readme.txt
Developed by Beardface for the TehSkeen Coding contest (Nov 2008)
Official Site:
As a young companion cube, portii was outcast from Aperture Science, due to his non cube-like form. After gorging himself on cake in a feat of sadness, Portii has decided to make his way back to the core of apeture science and reclaim what that which is rightfully his... More Cake!
Installing Portii is easy, simply copy the portii folder to your apps directory on your SD card.
After Installing Portii (see above), simply launch using the HBC (v9)
Game Modes:
Story - Take Portii on an adventure through Aperture Science, unlocking new levels and cheats along the way, while enjoying delicious cake.
Timed - Play levels you've unlocked, or those you or your friends have created, for a best time.
Least Portals - Play levels you've unlocked, or created, going for the fewest portals.
Installing User Levels:
To install levels you've found on the internet, simply copy the .portii file to your apps/portii directory. They will then show up in your levels list when you go to play timed or portal count modes. (And you can modify them in the LevelBuilder).
Level Builder:
Build, Save, Load, and Test new levels using the included, in-game, level builder.
Saving- Clicking save will bring up a keyboard for naming your level. Once you save your level, the .portii file will be placed in the apps/portii directory. From here, you can post, share, remove that file using any file-explorer you have available.
Loading- To load a new level, simply click the Load button and browse for the portii file you want to load.
New- New creates a new empty level.
Test- Test places your level into a test mode, where you can play through the level to check for playability of your new level!
In-game help provides detailed instructions on how to play portii.
Sharing your levels:
The best way to share your levels is to package a collection into a zip file and email them to levels@portii.com.
One received, they will be posted for download at www.portii.com
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